The first study, Wages, Benefits, and Use of Public Safety Net Programs,
The second study, Gains for Women, Workers of Color, and Immigrants,
The third study, A Voice for Workers in Public Policy
Kern County National Apprenticeship Week Event Is A Big Hit With Students!
For the 2nd year running the Kern County Community College District hosted a 2-day series of workshops and lectures to over 300 Kern County High School students, well as their teachers and guidance counselors that coincided with the celebration of National Apprenticeship Week last November.
National Apprenticeship Week National (NAW) is a National Celebration that began in 2016 which offers leaders in business, labor, education, and other critical partners a chance to express their support for Apprenticeship. NAW also gives apprenticeship sponsors the opportunity to showcase their programs, facilities and apprentices in their community. The weekly events highlight the benefits of Apprenticeship in preparing a highly-skilled workforce to meet the talent needs of employers across diverse industries.
Apprenticeship Works!
Apprentices from the Bakersfield Sheet Metal Workers Training Center participated in the US Department of Labor’s National Apprenticeship Week by helping to expose the advantages that apprenticeship have over for-profit technical schools and colleges to Kern County high school students. Speaking in terms of the tuition, student debt, and earning power as one progresses through their education; Apprenticeship programs have a reputation as being a well kept secret among professionals in the construction industry.
Not since the 1980’s has construction been discussed as a viable career option to graduating high school students. Over the past few decades most high school districts have systematically dismantled shop classes, opting instead to concentrate their efforts and resources in favor of getting every senior college bound.
There’s no denying that the strategy has had some unforeseen negative consequences.